International workshop on
3C-SiC hetero-epitaxy
Hetero–SiC ’09

   May 6th-7th, 2009 – Catania, Italy

International workshop on
3C-SiC hetero-epitaxy
Hetero–SiC ’09

March 20, 2009
Abstract submission

April 1 , 2009
Notification of acceptance

April 20, 2009
Extended abstract submission





Conference objectives

The third International Workshop Hetero-SiC’09 is a follow-up of the first European Workshop on SiC hetero-epitaxy (HeT-SiC 2005) held in Krippen (Germany) from April 26th to May 1st, 2005. The second one was held in Grenoble (France) on June 28/29 2007.

The aim of the workshop is to have a dedicated forum on SiC heteroepitaxy to effort all the specific subjects related both to the possibility to grow SiC on other materials and to grow different SiC polytypes to take advantage of the possibilities in bandgap engineering.

Hetero-SiC’09 will be organized jointly with the third “International Workshop on Advanced semiconductor Materials and devices for Power Electronics applications” – WASMPE’09 in Catania, in the framework of the MANSiC European RTN program (link

The goal is to allow young and advanced researchers from different fields to meet together for a single-session workshop of invited and contributed presentations.

For a better impact when reviewing the important issues, only a limited number of presentations will be accepted.


Local Chairs


Vito Raineri
CNR-IMM, Catania (Italy)

  Fabrizio Roccaforte
CNR-IMM, Catania (Italy)

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